Saturday, May 8, 2010

Where I belong

id be kidding if id say i wasn't depressed, maybe will for the next few months, but thats just a process we all need to go through to reach starts with something horrible, then you go into depression, your wounded and you just wanna be alone, then you want to shut yourself from the world, then you keep screaming at thin air asking for reasons as to WHY this happened to YOU? of all the people, why you?, but then you start realizing its nature's way of showing you your true path, your very purpose on this earth, it happens, you realize giving up on your dream was never ever the remedy, you realize its always worth a shot, at least if your going down you'd be happy to know you gave your dream a shot, right? so here goes nothing, im starting from Square one, and im going to break down constantly, but that does NOT mean im going to give up so like to thank Pri, she's one person apart from Nil who really actually gives a fuck about me, she believes in her dream just like me; no fucking doubt we are dreamers but like i quoted Paulo Coelho in my last post, dreams can come true...we need to give it a try, there's no harm in that...So here it goes...CHEERS TO WARPED, THE SHOVEL BUM AND THE BRILLIANT CARTOONIST ARE COMING YOUR FUCKIN WAY BABY!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This Is Why We Cant Have Nice Things

12days left for my next exam and mum has managed to scare the shit outta me...thanks woman! i have to admit i do have a inferiority complex, and its stupid to blame someone else for that, but what the heck! The lady has no idea how to talk to me half the time, everytime we have a conversation it end with us throwing stuff at each other, and now she is deffo about me failing my exam; id really appreciate her being a little supportive, but she never really is..always into her own thing; yea anyway i shall not go on about her,i can feel my nerves twitching lol so yea its been nice, music, studies, Psych...been addicted to LPS and The Blackout, and i love it...i have mentioned this in my tweets too, about how music and football is the only thing i live for...and its the truth...those things just help me move on each day; cant wait for FIFA 201O; i swear by the name of spike that if i ever get a chance to get out of this country, the first thing id do is shop till i drop in Hot Topic,Baby Cakes, Drop Dead...ahhhh!!! all those band T's and all those CDs!!! man! im such a dreamer, but seriously, id be watching a concert or two each day; and of course the WARPED TOUR wif Pri, thats going to be aweeesommmeee! lets just hope it happens ;)and watching Soccer!and my dream of being an Archaeologist, well if thats not going to happen, im sure that some day i will travel all over the world... well, back to reality now, if it ever happens, id consider myself blessed atlast..i think its normal to hate how your life is, people say we should be content with it..but what if we want more? what if its not we wanted? call me a ungrateful bitch...idc tbh, thats how i have and will be, a dreamer, who keeps going on about big things when im still stuck in the little world; i beleive greatly in the saying of Paulo Coelho "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." remember this kids, and keep dreaming BIG!