Sunday, April 25, 2010

Drugs and Alcohol taking over teens?

this is a subject i have wanted to write about for quite sometime...we see this topic everyday on tv so i dont have to introduce you to it. People,especially teenage girls, just screwing up their lives for the sake of fame, love or simply just to feel good about themselves. its quite sad how the media has changed our thinking. lets admit it, it could only be the media which would put such brilliant idea in our noggins. from ads, to movies, where beautiful women walk around half nude with their oversized breasts, their curvy bodies, this is where the idea generates in the minds of young girls. soon, the girls look at the mirror and are so displeased with what they see, coz the girl in the movie looked amazing! if only they looked like her, that boy from school would notice. and soon, ideas to keep in shape, like anorexia, bulimia begin to develop. then they see how small their breasts or asses are and tend to go ahead and have a surgery for enlargement.

A very good example of a person giving up her natural beauty to look like trash: HEIDI MONTAG

otherS, think it is so awesome to have that first drink/smoke/drug because their friends do it. they want to blend in, so they would do anything that their friends would do. here, the first drink/smoke/drug starts off but then they seem to enjoy it, and have a few more, it feels so good, coz its taking you to another place. you feel high, you feel like your awesome, you feel ecstatic. you keep doing it, and you want more. you do it everyday, and then its not just wanting, you NEED more. you want to stop but you just cant. but you think its fine, your parents dont know, and as long as you feel good. but whats really happening INSIDE your body is what you dont know about.



people with addictions tend to fall apart from their families, they make them their enemies all because they want to help them. Example is Lindsay Lohan, beautiful and smart, turned her self to an addict and now blames her father for everything bad and good in her life:

The bottom line is everyone should be happy with the way they look, nature is accurate with each person. each person has the right features and body which will suite him/her. why mend it? why try making yourself into something your not? why hurt yourself with harmful liquids and gases when you know there are other ways of coping stress and fun? each person needs to think about what happens to them from the inside, their bodies are being destroyed from within with each puff and drink. its not worth it in the end.

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